Kristina Boisvert Wins the May Women’s Scholarship

Each month, SR Education Group awards a $2,000 needs-based scholarship to one female student. Applicants must answer three open-ended essays to provide a rotating panel of judges with a clear picture of how the award will contribute to their career and eduction goals, as well as how they hope to impact the world around them. The panel selects the most compelling applications to be considered finalists and a winner is named from those finalists.

Kristina Boisvert is our May 2012 Women’s Scholarship winner!

Kristina Boisvert is a single mother of two, struggling with raising her children, working to support her family, and attending Front Range Community College, while enduring the financial hardship and physical debilitation of a blood disease. Amazingly, Kristina maintains focus on her studies and never lets her 6-year old daughter or 4-month old son know despair, but rather determination.

Kristina is studying to become a surgical technician—a career that will allow her to make a stable living for her family while pursuing a field she loves. She currently has to work part-time, due to her illness and must check in with a hematologist regularly. Mounting medical bills and low income have forced her to seek government assistance, which she humbly accepts for the welfare of her family. Once she emerges into her medical career, Kristina will be in a better position to reclaim financial independence.

I want to show my children a job isn’t just a job you have to do. You can get a job you love doing…. I am excited to become a surgical tech and then first assisting. I have dreams of one day bring able to give my children everything they need.

With such strong dedication and determination, Kristina’s future looks bright. Hopefully our scholarship will help make it even brighter.